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Which is your favourite beverage? Please do let me know. There is no tea bags, no waiting for it to steep, no wastage, you can easily adjust the strength to your preference, it’s not at all bitter if you put the right amount of the powder using the cute little spoon they provide with it. When they got to the urinals they turned around and saw all manner of nightmarish (to an elderly and middle aged sheltered pair) men.

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They were both dying for a wee and pulled the car up at some public toilets, and ran in. It is since an year now, that I’ve started drinking the Golden Matcha Green Tea by SPRIG. Reminds me of when my dad and hubby went fishing together. I drink about 2 to 3 cups of Green Tea regularly.

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I can honestly tell you… It does really hydrate you at the least, if not give you some magical benefits. I’ve been drinking Green Tea for more than 10 years now. Hey everyone, I love Green Tea, both for its subtle flavour and the metabolism boosting properties it has.

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